DATE: July 21, 2021
Statement of Harford County State’s Attorney Albert J. Peisinger, Jr. regarding State v. Sean Reyes
State vs. Sean Reyes was resolved today after Mr. Reyes accepted responsibility for hindering and obstructing Deputy Keith Jackson during a traffic stop on May 5th , 2021. Mr. Reyes agreed to write a letter of apology and complete a period of community service. Deputy Jackson was consulted throughout the entire case and agreed to resolve this matter in this manner. Mr. Reyes has since written his letter of apology wherein he now acknowledges that his actions were misguided, recognizes the important role law enforcement play when engaged in the course of their duties and understands the proper way to exercise his 1st amendment rights.
I would like to take this time to thank Deputy Jackson, not just as the State’s Attorney but as a citizen of Harford County, for the constant and continued professionalism that he has and continues to display in his career. What should have been focused on from the events of that evening was the excellent police work done by Deputy Jackson. He was able to manage the initial traffic stop with respect and clear communication. When Mr. Reyes engaged Deputy Jackson, he used proper de-escalation methods to gain control of that situation as well. Deputy Jackson’s actions that evening exemplify how our law enforcement routinely interacts with our Harford County community and how it should be done.
I have agreed to this resolution after receiving Deputy Jackson’s consent and reading Mr. Reyes’s letter of apology. I also want to make it perfectly clear that my Office will continue to prosecute any individual that hinders or obstructs our law enforcement agencies within our county. Thank you to all the men and women of law enforcement for all that you do each day to keep our community safe.